Wahab Ahmad - Webflow Developer
Wahab Ahmad, Webflow Developer

Hi👋 it’s Wahab.
I've been a Website Designer for over two years, focusing on front-end development. Lately, I've been diving into no-code tools such as Webflow. I have a strong passion for emerging technologies and love to work on design interfaces to create impactful products and most importantly, engaging UX.

from concept through design to a fully developed website
E commerce
headless cms
visual design
digital strategy


Web Design

Wireframes, low-fidelity design, high-fidelity design, prototypes, illustrations, re-designing a website. I can handle web design from A to Z, right down to its development phase.

From playing with the paint tool in windows OS till today, I have tried a lot of design tools. Fortunately, with some of them, I'm quite good, like Figma, sketch, XD, Photoshop, and illustrator including the paint tool. The thing I realize after having some design courses is how I can solve real design problems with these tools.

Custom code solutions

The part I love doing and learning from time to time, every tool has its limitations like Webflow also have, so to overcome these limitations JavaScript and Jquery play the role of a Swiss knife.
I'm good with JS, Jquery, and GSAP animations.

Webflow Development

Webflow Development, where I'm a little better than design. Provide me any design file rest leave to me. you wouldn't regret it.

I will ensure your website is optimized, accessible and responsive on all devices using different tools like BrowserStack.
Working over the years I worked with different approaches for website development in Webflow, like Client-first and wizardry, that will come into play when needed. Finsweet-attributes are also in my arsenal.

Third party integrations

Working with the Webflow websites I got an experience with third-party integrations as well, like Finsweet, Zapier, Memberstack, Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Jetboost all are in my stack.

our process

Discovery Call icon, gradient color

discovery call

This is the phase where I dive deep into your world and get to know you. Before I can properly design your high-performing website, I need to understand you, your pain-points, and your audience.

painting board, gradient color

design phase

I take what I’ve learned about you and craft a be spoke website that’s tailored to meet your specific needs, all while accurately representing your brand and keeping things aesthetically pleasing and useable for your audience.

setting, build phase

build phase

Once you’re happy with the designs, I will proceed to building them making sure everything is optimised to follow modern web practices, such as speed, security and reliability.

rocket, launch phase

launch phase

After I’ve completed the build and double checked everything alongside your approval, it’s time to launch your website. In this phase I will also provide some training videos on how you can add content to your website so you can do it yourself.

recent work

Malak’s Portfolio

Malak PortfolioMalak Portfolio

Monster energy drink

Monster Energy DrinkMonster Energy Drink
Load more

see what they saying about my work

so what are you waiting for
so what are you waiting for
so what are you waiting for
so what are you waiting for
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